Wednesday, December 21, 2005

On Monday, it took a couple of overtimes for Detroit to beat Memphis by a count of 106-104. Last night, the Pistons put up 93 points against the 89 point effort by the Blazers.

In two games plus two overtimes, Darko Milicic scored no points, grabbed no rebounds, made no assists, blocked no shots, and stole no passes. How is it that the D-train did not manage to accumulate any numbers whatsoever? The answer is an easy one: The D-train did not leave the station in either game. Flip has Darko riding the pines in a big way.

Let's not mince words here. Flip is not doing his job. He was brought in here to help Darko develop into the NBA superstar that we all know he will eventually become. Unfortunately, Flip has taken matters into his own hands and has decided to retard Milicic's development. He has done a horrible job of coaching Darko, which leads me to suspect that he may well be in cahoots with the nefarious Larry Brown. LB may be in New York, but he still has minions here doing his dirty work for him.

Regardless of Mr. Saunders' source of motivation, Darko Nation cannot just sit idly by and watch DM atrophy any further... the only possible way out of this debacle is to simply get rid of the source of consternation.... Flip must leave the team, and soon.

Flip, you have done a horrible job of coaching Darko and the Pistons to this point. Please do the honorable thing and put forth your resignation while you still have a chance to save some face.


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